Evan Lee Ungerleider Fund

Funds research, education, carrier testing and family services.

The Evan Lee Ungerleider Fund is a restricted fund within NTSAD. The fund was established by Shari and Jeff Ungerleider in honor of their son, Evan, who succumbed to Tay-Sachs disease when he was four years old.

Throughout his life and in his memory, the fund’s goal is to raise money for research, education, carrier testing, and family support services. It is hoped these efforts will help prevent the tragedy of Tay-Sachs and allied genetic diseases in other families.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support!

Ways to Give

Credit Card

Click below to make a gift with your credit card.


Click below to make a gift through PayPal.

Mail or Phone

(617) 277-4463

Checks payable to NTSAD.

Mailing Address:
2001 Beacon Street
Suite 204
Boston, MA 02135.

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