Dear Friends and Sponsors,
Welcome to our next 20 years! On Friday, June 14, 2024, we will host our 21st Annual Drive FORE Dylan Golf Outing, at Honeybrook Golf Club. We are so humbled by the support we have received since Dylan’s diagnosis, and we look forward to your continued support, in honor of his tremendous legacy – THANK YOU!
We are closing in on $500,000 raised over the past 20 years.
Dylan was diagnosed with Infantile Tay-Sachs disease in 2003 at 17 months old as the result of an eye appointment. We were unexpectedly given a death sentence as the doctors explained he had a genetic, degenerative neurological disease for which there was no cure or treatment for the disease. He attended our first three golf outings until he lost his courageous battle in 2006 at the age of 4.
Our efforts are joined with the National Tay-Sachs & Allied Diseases Association (NTSAD) whose mission is to lead the fight to treat and cure Tay-Sachs, Canavan, and related genetic diseases. This event allows us to fund research projects and support for other families impacted. Your dedication and support allow us to honor Dylan’s legacy, and that truly means the world to us! Hope to see you on the course again this year on June 14th! We promise it will be a day you’ll never forget!
Much appreciation,
The Manning Family
Brian, Sherri, Dylan, Brady, Devin & Mia
Learn more about the event here.